Workshops and Events

Upcoming Events
Saturday, February 22nd, 2025
1PM – 4 PM
$80 General Admission
Join us for a fun and creative Mosaic Lab Workshop where you’ll learn the basics of mosaic art with hands-on help from our mosaic instructor Lisa Horowitz. This is a “open studio” concept workshop. The mosaic project that you create will be of your choosing.

Arts on the Block’s workshops are a great way to connect with other creative-minded folks in our community while learning a new art medium! Workshops are led by professional teaching artists who specialize in their discipline and love to share their craft. They’re offered year round, to all ages, and in a variety of mediums. Come join the creative community at Arts on the Block!
Teach a Workshop at AOB!
Are you an artist who enjoys sharing and teaching their craft to others? Arts on the Block would love for you to teach a workshop of your choice in our space. You decide the price, time, and topic!
- Workshops are taught on site at the Arts on the Block studio.
- Most workshop availability is on weekends, but weekdays are possible.
AOB takes 20% cut of ticket sales:
- Visiting Artist Sources & purchases materials
- AOB provides studio space to teach workshop (tables, chairs, tablecloth)
- Advertising for 2 Weeks to our network of +4,000 subscribers
- AOB provides small snacks & refreshment
AOB takes a 40% cut of ticket sales:
- Visiting Artist uses AOB’s pre existing materials & mosaic tile*
- If additional materials purchase need to be made the artist is responsible for sourcing and providing any additional materials**
- Advertising for 2 Weeks to our network of +4,000 subscribers
- AOB provides studio space for the workshop (tables, chairs, tablecloth)
- AOB provides small snacks & refreshments